-Message On Hold: Contact Us





Would you like to hear a few sample productions?

           listen here


  Phone Numbers
Our staff is available Monday thru Friday 9am - 5pm EST
toll free:
fax: 888-526-COPY (2679)

  Corporate Headquarters
Message On Hold
5118 North 56th Street, Suite 112
Tampa, FL 33610 USA

General Manager: Joseph Howie president@callsonhold.com
Copywriting Department: copy@callsonhold.com
Recording Engineer: Studio studio@callsonhold.com
Sales Representative/Tech Support: Rick Alvey rick@callsonhold.com
Information: service@callsonhold.com

  Email Policy:
Due to the exorbitant number of nuisance spam, we utilize email filters. Please make a note: When you email us, type in your company name and/or "Message On Hold" or "MOH" in the "Subject" or "RE:" area. Our policy is to address all production requests and other inquiries within two business days. If you have not heard from us in that time, please call, fax, or email us again utilizing the above policy.


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Toll free: 800-526-5355 | Local: 813-628-9499 | FAX: 888-526-2679